Production site
117 South Industrial Hub,
estate 27

Warehouse, East Siberia
117 South Industrial Hub,
estate 45

Warehouse, Central Russia
1a, Okskaya Gavan Str.,
estate 2
Nizhniy Novgorod


Blanks for all types of trim moulding

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Around Russia, in CIS and East Europe

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For manufacturing all types of trim moulding

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In the East Siberia and Central Russia

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We have our own production facility in the larch growing region. Our plant is located in Lesosibirsk. Exact address »

We ensure supplies of necessary products without any delay as we
always have edged board and raw material for trim mouldings on stock. See photo »

We arranged our warehouses of finished products in the East Siberia and Central Russia to deliver products within 2 days. Exact address »

Our experienced logistic specialists are willing to help you to
make delivery faster and less expensive. More details »


See Quality Grade Specifications


Wholesale price:

from RUB 41 000 per sq.m.


Wholesale price

from RUB 1640 per sq.m.


Wholesale price

from RUB 1600 per sq.m.


Wholesale price:

from RUB 1600 per sq.m.


Wholesale price:

from RUB 1630 per sq.m.


Wholesale price:

from RUB 1630 per sq.m.



The larch wood feature is its high strength which is even better than that of oak: 96 MPa versus 94 MPa. Moreover, the larch wood becomes stronger over the time due to the specific composition of its resin. It ranks below oak in hardness by only one point — 109 Brinell units against 110 (oak). Strength of larch wood construction materials is several times higher than the strength of construction materials of other soft wood and their physical and mechanical properties are as good as the properties of oak construction materials. Resins saturating the wood make it extremely strong: it becomes so hard with time that can’t be processed any more. Construction materials are not deformed over years due to high density of wood.

The larch wood is one of few wood materials which only stand to gain from the contact with water (in hardwoods, the similar property is specific for oak). The larch has a unique feature to resist decay. This is due to the gum (natural substance) which protects the wood from damage. If you make a floor covering of this wood in your bathroom you will hardly need to replace it in the next 50–60 years. Sometimes larch wood floors work for more than one hundred years, and boards only become stronger and stronger. Excellent moisture resistance allows to use this wood in construction of bath houses, terraces or berths. The material shows high resistance to decay.

The larch wood is considered to be select wood: by its aesthetic qualities it ranges among the oak and ash wood but being brighter in colour. The larch wood is very fine: it has a pronounced structure, specific silky gloss and rich colour scheme including 12 tones — from light yellow to reddish and golden brown, and may be tinted easily. Besides, clear growth-rings, which are visible at all cross-cuts, form nice material texture that why the larch wood is so popular with designers all over the world.

The larch is able “to saturate” the air with phytoncides and antioxidants which provide regenerative and antiseptic effects and, thus, have a great influence on the human health. In addition, resins saturating the wood protect it from various pests, so you will not need to treat the material with special chemicals. Thermal conductivity of the material is 30% higher than thermal conductivity of pine indicating that you house will be much warmer in the cold season while in summer time coolness will be kept in premises.


We have own disk и band saw benches (to make radial boards and to cut logs of large diameter, accordingly)

We purchased convective dryers with the total volume of 90 m3

We have a modernized planning shop for all types of trim mouldings

We are able to provide all necessary certifications and certificates of origin of our products upon the request To request »



b to c consumers in Russia and East Europe demonstrate a high interest to purchase of larch timber and the demand exceeds the supply greatly since the stock of processing companies is not stable and remains small. Moreover, we expect further difficulties in supplying larch timber to the market caused by annual natural disasters in growing regions (fires, flood); even now there is deficiency of base types of products. As for prices, they are rather stable and trending upward.

Selling larch wood construction materials is profitable. With larch wood, you may earn 75% more, comparing to pine/cone, selling the same volume of products. Our company is willing to give professional advice on purchased products based on our long experience in selling larch timber in order to ensure fast turnover and maximum margin.

The income which is almost 2 times higher than from other wood is guaranteed at the same sales and storage facilities.

The situation with the larch wood in terms of sales is as follows: with respect to products there is seasonality, the demand for high grade products is continuous and for low grade products is only in the construction period; with respect to timber there is almost no seasonality; this feature allows to ensure stable sales of larch wood construction materials all year round with adequate variation of a product range.

Taking into account the existing level of prices and quality, larch wood products are more competitive than other timber and this additionally contributes to increasing demand for them.

Due to its physical properties, the larch wood has a wide area of uses — from bank protection to designers’ interior decoration.

The market of wood has its trends and today the larch wood is on trend. That’s why the demand for larch wood materials is persistently high.

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Террасный паркет «DoSkin»

Террасный паркет «DoSkin» Из термомодифицированной древесины (сосны)

Для настила на верандах, балконах, улице, банях, саунах

Система крепления плиток между собой - замковые соединения.

Преимущества термомодифицированной древесины по сравнению с необработанной древесиной:

  • Долговечность - возрастает более, чем в 10 раз. Не нуждается в антисептических пропитках, поскольку обладает стойкостью к патогенной микрофлоре (плесень, грибок), гниению и вредителям.
  • Стабильная форма – не меняет форму под воздействием влаги и отрицательных температур.
  • Влагостойкость - влага до 10 раз меньше впитывается и быстро выходит из дерева.
  • Прочность – высокая устойчивость к механическим воздействиям. На древесине не остается характерных вмятин от ударов и царапин.
  • Экологичность – не содержит примесей и смол.
  • Декоративные свойства – прекрасный внешний вид за счет проявления текстуры во время термообработки.
  • Безопасность – термомодифицированная древесина слабо воспламеняется и плохо горит.

Тип изделия: Террасный паркет

Материал покрытия:

Термомодифицированная сосна

Материал подложки: ПВХ вторичной переработки

Влажность древесины: не более 5%

Длинна: 30 см

Ширина: 30 см

Толщина: 2,5 см

Площадь 1го изделия: 0,09 м2

Количество в упаковке: 9 шт.

Общая площадь упаковки: 0,81 м2

Вес упаковки: 6,9 кг


Grade Thickness, mm Width, mm Length, m Price, large wholesale, RUB/m3 Price, small wholesale, RUB/m3
1,2,3 25, 32, 50 50, 100, 150 2-6 41 000 46 000


Сорт Толщина, мм Ширина, мм Длина, м Цена от 10м3, р/м2 Цена розница, р/м2
Экстра 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 1620 1700
Прима 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 1420 1500
AB 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 1020 1100
BC 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 820 900


Сорт Толщина, мм Ширина, мм Длина, м Цена от 10м3, р/м2 Цена розница, р/м2
Extra 28 95,115,140 2,0-6,0 2 945 3 360
A 28 95,115,140 2,0-6,0 2 645 2 800
B 28 95,115,140 2,0-6,0 1 900 2 050
C 28 95,115,140 2,0-6,0 1 600 1 750


Grade Thickness, mm Width, mm Length, m Price, large wholesale, RUB/m2 Price, small wholesale, RUB/m2
AB 40 140 4,0 2 040 2 200
BC 40 140 4,0 1 640 1 800


Сорт Толщина, мм Ширина, мм Длина, м Цена от 10м3, р/м2 Цена розница, р/м2
Extra 28 95,115,140 2,0-6,0 2 945 3 360
A 28 95,115,140 2,0-6,0 2 645 2 800
B 28 95,115,140 2,0-6,0 1 900 2 050
C 28 95,115,140 2,0-6,0 1 600 1 750


Сорт Толщина, мм Ширина, мм Длина, м Цена от 10м3, р/м2 Цена розница, р/м2
Экстра 24 88,110,135 2,0-6,0 1 940 2 040
Прима 24 88,110,135 2,0-6,0 1 700 1 800
AB 24 88,110,135 2,0-6,0 1 220 1 320
BC 24 88,110,135 2,0-6,0 980 1 080


Grade Thickness, mm Width, mm Length, m Price, large wholesale, RUB/m2 Price, small wholesale, RUB/m2
Extra 14 88,110,138 2,1-4,0 771 1 000
A 14 88,110,138 2,1-4,0 665 800
B 14 88,110,138 2,1-4,0 454 645
C 14 88,110,138 2,1-4,0 363 490


Сорт Толщина, мм Ширина, мм Длина, м Цена от 10м3, р/м2 Цена розница, р/м2
Экстра 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 2 945 3 360
A 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 2 645 2 800
B 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 2 045 2 200
C 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 1 630 1 770


Сорт Толщина, мм Ширина, мм Длина, м Цена от 10м3, р/м2 Цена розница, р/м2
Экстра 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 2 945 3 360
A 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 2 645 2 800
B 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 2 045 2 200
C 20 90,120,140 2,0-4,0 1 630 1 770